I think that advertisements have a huge power over everyone. Whether we realize it or not, we are always influenced by what we see. Advertisements can be hurtful, informational or just for entertainment, but there always used to get a point across to the audience.
I feel that advertisements can sometimes be hurtful. This can be seen in advertisements about the perfect body. Mainly geared towards women, the makers of advertisements make it so that to have the perfect body you have to be extremely thin. When, honestly, that is not the case for everyone. For some people it is very difficult to get the so called perfect body. To me, the perfect body is looking how you want to look, not someone else. And advertisements never show that.
Celebrities can also have a large effect on how we view advertisements, especially if it is about buying a product. The makers of advertisements use celebrities in advertisements to sell products because people want to be like them and they think if they use that product they will be like that person. Celebrities can also be portrayed hurtfully in advertisements. This happens when they do not look their best one day and the media uses that to say, “You do not want to look like this do you?” This does not make any sense because if that was a non-celebrity, no one would care if he or she looked bad one day because everyone does. Although advertisements are just trying to send a powerful message they can sometimes be hurtful, too.
I agree Ali. I understand what advertisers are doing, they want to sell their product but they can be hurtful